The Walpurgis celebration in Uppsala doesn’t have only one organizer. It’s a collection of different events with different organizers, and a bunch of spontaneous elements as well. As a visitor, you are an important part of the celebration; together we manage the traditions and the heritage that the Walpurgis celebration in Uppsala brings with it. We want you to feel welcome and well taken care of.
Since a few years back, about forty organizations in Uppsala have a close collaboration with the aim of making the Walpurgis celebration safe and clean. Authorities, companies, associations and student nations come together and take joint action both before and during the Walpurgis week. Within the collaboration, we work for increased healthcare efforts, sanitation, information campaigns and coordination between all different parties – to make the collaboration and celebration as smooth and safe as possible!
We collaborate for a safer Walpurgis celebration:
- Aimopark
- Akademiska sjukhuset
- Akademiska Hus
- Avarn Security
- Brandförsvaret
- Destination Uppsala
- Gamla Uppsala Buss
- Heimstaden
- Ica Folkes
- Jernhusen
- Keolis
- Kungsgärdet vårdcentral
- Kuratorskonventet
- Landstinget
- Länsförsäkringar Uppsala
- Länsstyrelsen Uppsala
- Mohlins Bussar
- Mälardalstrafik
- Norrlandsgårdarna
- Polisen
- Region Uppsala
- Röda korset
- SJ
- SL
- Stiftelsen V-Dala nations Studentbostäder
- Stiftelsen Södermanlands-Nerikes Studentbostäder
- Stiftelsen Ultuna Studentbostäder
- Stockholms läns landsting
- Studenthälsan
- Studentstaden
- Svensk Markservice
- Svenska kyrkan
- Systembolaget
- Trafikverket
- Transdev
- UL
- Universitetskyrkan
- Uppsala Akademiförvaltning
- Uppsala City
- Uppsalas universitets förenade studentkårer UUFS
- Uppsala kommun
- Uppsala teknolog- och naturvetarkår, Forsränningen
- Uppsala universitet
- Uppsala Parkering
- Östgötabostäder