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Smålands Day Party

29 Apr - 29 Apr



Småland’s Nation presents Småland’s Day Party!

A new addition to Småland’s Valborg celebration is here! When the splashing of Skvalborg is over and the struggle and suffering of Kvalborg begins, one should be in Småland’s backyard! Deck chairs and sun (or hail and rain), regardless, we will have a really good time in Småland’s backyard on Kvalborg. Our courtyard will be filled with music, luxurious cocktails, delicious street-food style cuisine, and entertainment to give you the best pre-party Kvalborg can offer. Well-composed non-alcoholic options are of course available! You will have to search far and wide for a warmer Valborg celebration; in our courtyard, you are guaranteed rhythm, joy, and excellent company. Get ready to put on your shorts, roll up your sleeves, and disappear into the summer dream with us! Take the opportunity to step out of your corridor room in slippers for once and rest up after yesterday’s release and before tomorrow’s ChampagneLYX. All we ask for is a cheerful mood.

Where: Småland’s courtyard and pub

Date: 04/29/2024

Time: 12:00-19:00

Free entrance Nation card required! Welcome!